Mission Statement
Our mission is to reduce community and corporate greenhouse gas emissions in Charlotte County and to provide a reliable and affordable transportation solution for our rural communities.

Why become a member?
Benefits of shared transportation
Project : Village Car Share is a flexible transportation option available in Charlotte County. This service provides the opportunity for community members to access reliable transportation without the cost of vehicle ownership. Car share members may have the following benefits:
Affordable transportation service cost
No cost of ownership
Reduced carbon emissions
Flexible transportation option
Promotes user independence
How does the carshare work?
Project : Village Car Share program uses an online booking system, SAUVeR, that provides access for members to plan and schedule their trips.
The system allows you to select the vehicle nearest to you, make a date and time booking, and provides you with an initial estimate of your travel cost. This is a fully independent booking system that our members can use 24/7.
After booking your trip online, you may access the vehicle using your SAUVeR Access card on your booked date.
In 2022, ECW partnered with local community television program CHCOTV to create a “how to use the carshare” video.
Car Share Zones and Charging Stations
Returning the vehicles to their original zone location is required for members to end their trips. If a vehicle is detected to be outside of its original zone location, the member will not be able to automatically end their trip and costs will be incurred.
The Car Share Zones are located at St. Stephen, Saint Andrews, Grand Manan Island, & Blacks Harbour.
Members are responsible for returning the vehicles from its original zone location:
ECW Indoor Farm & Living Lab, Blacks Harbour, NB
868 Main, Blacks Harbour, NB E5H 1E6
W.C. O’Neill Arena
24 Reed Street, Saint Andrews, NB E5B 1A1
Garcelon Civic Center, St. Stephen, NB
22 Budd Ave, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9
Coastal Transport Ltd., Grand Manan, NB
NB-776, Grand Manan, NB E5G 1A2
Non-Member Car Share Costs
Membership Based Car Share Costs
Additional Costs
Register Here
Project : Village Car Share provides an alternate transportation service to the communities of Charlotte County. The car share service is available to members 24/7 and can be accessed through our ride booking system - SAUVéR platform.
To register for this service, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Submit your application by completing the online sign-up sheet. Click on the “SIGN-UP” button below and input your information.
Step 2: Send via email to carshare@projectvillage.ca a copy of your driver’s license.
The application process (1-2 business days) will start when the requirements are completed.
We accept other Canadian or Foreign Licenses equivalent to NB Class 5
International Students are required to submit a valid student permit along with the requirements listed above.
The RFID Access Card will be mailed to the home address of successful car share applicants. This is the master key given to car share users to access our electric vehicles (EVs) for their trips.
If you have any questions about the sign-up process or need assistance with your registration, feel free to contact us at carshare@projectvillage.ca or call us at (506) 456-6001 (ext. 2) between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Project : Village Car Share User Highlights
2023 Impact Report
2023 was a big year for Project : Village Car Share as it celebrated its 1-year anniversary of servicing the community.
In a rural region without many transportation options, Project : Village Car Share works alongside community partners to help provide solutions to help get people from point A to point B.
In 2024, we are excited to partner with 5 other community organizations (Sophia Recovery Centre, We’ve Got Your Back, Charlotte County Multicultural Association, Mental Health Association, and the Charlotte County Activity Centre) to help get more people to where they need to go.
How To Videos: easy access to the carshare
How to start the electric vehicle
Learn how to start an electric vehicle and how it might be different from a regular car.
How to adjust the braking
Learn how you can adjust your braking style in an electric vehicle to increase your mileage.
How to check the battery (mileage)
Learn how to check the battery to see how many kms you have left.
How to charge the car
Learn how to use a Level 3 Fast Charge station to charge (fuel) the car.
What to do in case of an emergency
Learn what to do if you have an emergency during one of your trips.
How to extend your booking
Learn how you can extend your booking time (trip) in the SAUVeR app.
Best Practices for Car Sharing
Make the most of your car share trip by following these best practices.
How old do I have to be to apply for this program?
All drivers must be 21 years of age with at minimum 3 years of a clean driving record.
Can I still apply if I don’t have insurance?
Yes! Our car share program is set up with insurance for all drivers.
Can I still apply if I don’t have a NB license but I do have a Class 5 equivalent from another province?
Yes! We do require the same documents as above from your home province however.
What should I do if my access card doesn’t work during my trip?
SAUVeR Access cards work through an RFID system to lock and unlock the cars. Access cards may not work due to physical damage (to the card) or technical issues. If this happens, please contact us to assist you.
Do I start my trip through the SAUVeR mobile app before I can access the car?
You do not need to start your trip in the mobile app. Once your ride booking time starts, the system will automatically detect the car in use for the duration of your time. You may simply unlock the car doors and do your driving!
Do I have to end my trip through the SAUVeR app once I am done?
If you returned the car earlier than your booked time (ie: 30 minutes), you must end your trip through the app so that you won’t be charged for time unused! If you return the car at your proposed time or later than your time, the system will automatically end your trip once it knows you have parked in the car share parking spot. Don’t forget there are cost penalties for being later than expected so try to be courteous to the next user.
How can I end my trip if I don’t have access to the internet on my mobile device?
No worries, we got you! The car zones are next to spaces with internet access for a reason. You can use the free public wifi at the parking spots to end your trip.
Does SAUVeR allow members to book their rides for multiple days to the point that it disallows other members to access the cars?
SAUVeR actually has a control function that only allows members to book up to 2 weeks from when the car is needed. This encourages courtesy and respect for all members.
Will all of my data be erased if I request a deactivation of my account?
Yes, all of your information will be immediately deleted from our servers. However, if you wish to reactivate your account, you will have to undergo the same application process.
What should I consider when estimating my ride booking time?
Before you book your ride, make sure to consider the time you will need to complete your errands or activities and the charging of the electric vehicle. For example, your grocery shopping will take 1 hour and 30 minutes, add another 30 to 45 minutes for the vehicle charging time. So in booking your ride [through the SAUVeR app], you must add your activity time and charging time, in this case, you need to book the vehicle for 2 hours and 15 minutes (in total).
I misplaced my SAUVeR access card. Can I purchase a replacement card?
You may request for a replacement SAUVeR access card for the misplaced one. The misplaced card will be deactivated to activate the replacement card as SAUVeR only allows one active access card per account.
Can I extend my car share ride booking?
Once you have successfully booked the vehicle, the system will not allow you to change it or extend your original ride booking. The best way to proceed is to cancel the existing booking and create a new one. When you are already using the vehicle and would like to extend your booking, the best way to proceed is to:
Check that the vehicle is available for the next hour(s) through the SAUVeR mobile app
Book the vehicle on its next available hour(s)
Return the vehicle to its original car share zone to end your current trip
Start your trip again with your recent booking
Can I book my trip using my SAUVeR account, for someone else to use the car share service (e.g. relative or neighbour)?
We strictly discourage our members from using their account to book ride for non-members, especially when members will not be present to supervise a non-member driver in using the electric vehicle. In case members used their account to book rides for non-members, the member will assume all responsibility and risks from non-compliance with the car share policy and probable incidents.
Will I get a grace period in case bad weather hinders me to reach the vehicle location?
Members are expected to manage their time in case weather conditions hinder them to access the vehicle on time. The SAUVeR system allows a grace period of the first 30 minutes of your booked time which means that you can start your drive anytime in that first 30 minutes. So if you came to the car late because of some weather conditions, do not worry, you can still use the car as long as you are still within that first 30 minutes of your booked time.
This does not mean though that you will not be charged for the first minutes that you have not accessed the vehicle. The system will still charge you based on your ride booking start time and not on the time that you first unlocked the car.
What if the EV has not yet returned to the car share zone, what will happen to my booked trip?
If the vehicle you booked is nowhere in its zone, call our customer service line to help you locate it or assist you in your transportation.
There are no visible damages in the car, will it be OK not to complete and submit a vehicle inspection report?
We strongly recommend that our members do a complete vehicle inspection before and after using the cars. Submitting your vehicle inspection report is necessary to protect you from any liability in case a damage is brough to our attention. In your decision to skip the inspection, you are accepting risks and liabilities in case a visible or serious car damage occurs.
I misplaced the NB Power charging card, is there another way to charge the electric vehicles?
In case you misplaced the NB Power charging card, we can initiate the charge remotely from our NB Power account especially if you are still using the vehicle for your booked ride, however, you will be charged for the purchase of the replacement card.
What is the driving range of car share electric vehicles on a full charge?
The drivable range of a Hyundai Kona electric on full charge is at 400 KM to 415 KM.
Is it safe to leave the car charging before I end my trip?
The car must not be left charging after your ride booking. Members are required to charge the cars during their ride booking time.
Can someone just disconnect the electric vehicle from the charging station when it’s left unattended?
No. The charging cord cannot be easily disconnected from the vehicle given as long as all the car doors are locked. This is a safety feature of the car. The charging cord will only be disconnected if all the doors of the car are unlocked.
What charger unit should I use? Level 2 or DC Fast charger?
There are two charger units in a commercial NB Power charging station, a Level 2 or a DC Fast charger. You must use a DC Fast charger when you are stopping at a location to charge the vehicle for less than an hour. The DC Fast charger is more appropriate to use for short trips. Take note that the DC Fast charger will automatically stop charging the vehicle once it reaches the 80% of battery life.
On the other hand, you may use a Level 2 charger if you will be staying at a location to charge the vehicle for a whole day. Take note that the Level 2 charger only recovers 30 KM to 80 KM per hour of charging which might not be enough battery charge to complete your trip.
Can I charge the electric vehicle in my house?
Yes but we do not recommend this method of charging as this takes longer charging time.
Can I return the car and end my trip in a car share zone that is not the original zone location of the vehicle?
No. Each vehicle is tagged on only one car share zone and the SAUVeR system can detect if the right car is parked in the right car share zone. If you try to return the car on a different car share zone, you will not be able to end your trip and your service cost will still run until you return it to its original zone location.
I forgot my belongings in the car. Where can I claim them?
Found items from the cars may be surrendered to trusted facilities where members can claim it. Items found from the car located in St. Stephen are surrendered to the Garcelon Civic Center, while, items found from Saint Andrews are surrendered to the Town Hall.
Although lost items can be returned, the members are still responsible for their belongings. Project : Village Car Share, ECW, and the municipalities will not be liable for the lost of your valuables (this include your SAUVeR access card).
What to do when the charging station in the car share zone is being used by another vehicle?
We suggest that members use whatever charging station is available at the moment, may it be a Level 2 or a DC fast charger. If someone else is using the DC Fast charger, be watchful for the opportunity to transfer your charging line to DC Fast charger when it becomes available.
To effectively plan your charging time, you may check the availability of the charging station by visiting the Find a Station - eCharge Network website.
In an NB Power charging station, which one is the DC fast charger and the Level 2 charger?
The DC Fast charger is the bigger unit with two charging cords. The left charging cord is used for Tesla models while the right cord is used for Hyundai Kona and other non-Tesla models. The Level 2 charger is a smaller unit with only one charging cord which can be used for Hyundai Kona and other non-Tesla models.
How fast is the charging time for DC Fast charger? How about for the Level 2 charger?
The DC Fast charger can recover 80% of battery life for less than an hour (possibly 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the remaining battery). The Level 2 charger can recover a full charge for 6 to 8 hours of charging time or 30 KM to 80 KM per hour of charging. To learn more about electric vehicle charging, you may visit Charge your EV (nbpower.com) website.
Where can I find the remaining kms or battery percentage of the EV?
The remaining kilometers of the vehicle can be found in the dashboard display on the top right-most corner. This detail will only be visible once you turn on the engine. Another way to see the vehicle’s battery life is its battery percentage. The battery percentage can be checked through the touch screen panel. In the touch screen panel’s home display, click on the “EV” square at the bottom and it will display the remaining battery percentage you have.
Where is the charging port of the electric vehicle?
The charging port of the vehicle is located just below the hood on the right side. Press the right side of the cover door and you will find the charging port of the vehicle where you can connect the charging cord.
I cannot unplug the charging cord from the vehicle. What should I do?
If it is difficult to unplug the charging cord from the vehicle, check your car doors and make sure that all car doors (including the passenger doors) are unlocked before trying to unplug the cord. Take note that tapping your SAUVeR card will only unlock the driver’s door and not the other three doors. You must use the driver’s control buttons to unlock all the doors.
I left the car door unlocked but the engine is off. I returned to the car and I cannot turn on the engine. What should I do?
This is a normal safety feature of the SAUVeR system. The system will not allow you to turn on the engine just because the door in unlocked. Tap again your access card to the RFID reader by the windshield to turn on the engine. This way, the system will recognize that a member is using the vehicle and not another individual.
What should I do if I locked my SAUVeR card inside the vehicle?
If this happens, call the customer service line to assist you in retrieving your card. Take note that our administrator will need to ask you a few questions, including your name, your ride booking schedule, and the SAUVeR card number you have.
I noticed that the NB Power charging station is near the car share zone parking space. Will SAUVeR end my trip automatically if I pass by the zone to access the charging station?
No, it will not. The car share zone is limited to the designated parking space of the vehicle (where the car share signage is situated).
I am running late and I am still not in the car share zone. Will the system automatically end my trip and turn off the engine because of tardiness?
No. The system will continue to record your time and charge you for the use of the vehicle even when you exceeded your booked time. The system will only end your trip once it detects the car in the zone which means that the vehicle will not stop automatically and your SAUVeR card will not deactivate while you are still using the car. The car will still work as normal, however, you will be subjected to a penalty cost.
I used a vehicle with a low charge level. Will I get penalized because of the car’s low charge level when I started my trip?
No. You might encounter a vehicle with a remaining drivable distance of lower than 280 KM (lower than 70% battery level). You will not be penalized for using a vehicle with a low charge, however, ending your trip and returning the vehicle to the zone with a remaining drivable distance of lower than 280 KM will be detected by the system and will add a low charge penalty to your service fees.
19. The car battery died due to lack of planning for charging. What do I do?
We are sorry to hear this has happened. This is why it is crucial that users read our guides and policies to ensure they appropriately plan for their trips. There is a list of appropriate tow companies in every vehicle. The user is responsible for calling, towing, and paying for this extra service. ECW, and Project : Village Car Share, is not responsible.
Additional Resources
Learn more about our Car Share Service Policy and Standard Use
Learn more about SAUVéR - the online ride-booking platform for Project:Village Car Share
Learn more about carshare trips and EVs on the road
This project was fully funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada under Climate Action and Awareness grant.